Sunday, October 18, 2009

OPA Paint Out - October 10, 2009

David Vollbracht, OPA - Painting the Gyp Hills

Oil Painters of America Paint Out
On Saturday, October 10th, five artists braved the cold, dreary weather to oil paint en plein air (outdoors) at several locations in the Gyp Hills. Another eight artists cancelled due to the cold weather and other circumstances. The painting event was hosted by David Vollbracht, a signature member of OPA. The Oil Painters of America or OPA is a national organization to promote representational and impressionistic oil painting. There are only 200 oil painters out of around 3000 members, which have been accepted by jury to be a signature member. The artists did not need to be members of OPA to participate but they did need to have the desire to paint outdoors in any kind of weather.
The artists met at Caroline Norton’s studio on Main Street for donuts, coffee cake and coffee provided by the Peoples Bank of Medicine Lodge. The artists started around 9 a.m. and painted in two locations in the Gyp Hills owned by Cody Miller and Bob Larson. The artists painted around two to three paintings, ending around 3 p.m. due to the extreme cold weather. All the artists that participated were very surprised about the beauty of the Gyp Hills, and want to come back when the weather is warmer.
The artists that braved the unseasonably cold weather were: Cally Krallman-Topeka, KS, Kim Casebeer – Kansas City, KS, David DeArmond – Kansas City, KS, Mark Lemon – Eagle, Colorado and David Vollbracht, Medicine Lodge, KS.

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